Power ultra-low latency in gaming and AI

Distributed GPU Cloud


for Gaming & AI

At Aethir, we build distributed GPU-based compute infrastructure for dynamic, enterprise use cases. We make it easier for GPU infrastructure providers to scale, and simpler for buyers to access GPU, worldwide.

Aethir's SDKs and seamless node onboarding enable developers to cut costs, scale quickly, and penetrate the market effectively.

Backed by the best

Best experience on any

Best experience on any


Upload your game

Discover a world free from
hardware limitations

Built for
Built for

Powerful hardware is not accessible to everyone. With Aethir, Games & AI companies can onboard billions of users, providing high-quality content experiences, even in developing regions.

Breaking the
Hardware Barrier
Breaking the Hardware Barrier

With Aethir, your computer and phone’s limits don’t hold you back. Our decentralized cloud tech makes sure anyone, anywhere can access Gaming & AI content.


With Aethir’s decentralized cloud infrastructure, everyone wins. Whether you're an investor, game developer, AI studio, node operator, or a player, our network ensures that the revenue flows back to you.

Low Latency,
Premium Compute
Low Latency,
Premium Compute

Our decentralized network makes high-end GPU computational power available at costs that the centralized ecosystem can't match. This scalability means we're not just for the privileged few, but for users from all walks of life, everywhere in the world.

No More
No More Gatekeeping

With Aethir, any game or AI content can be uploaded and accessed instantly on any device. Our community, token holders, and DAO manage the platform autonomously, ensuring complete openness.

No More
No More Gatekeeping

On the Aethir platform, any game or AI content can be uploaded and played instantly on any device. Our community, token holders, and DAO manage the platform autonomously, ensuring complete openness.

No More
No More Gatekeeping

On the Aethir platform, any game or AI content can be uploaded and played instantly on any device. Our community, token holders, and DAO manage the platform autonomously, ensuring complete openness.

Discover a World Free From
Hardware Limitations

Built for
Built for

Powerful hardware is not accessible to everyone. With Aethir, Games & AI companies can onboard billions of users, providing high-quality content experiences, even in developing regions.

Breaking the
Hardware Barrier
Breaking the Hardware Barrier

With Aethir, your computer and phone’s limits don’t hold you back. Our decentralized cloud tech makes sure anyone, anywhere can access Gaming & AI content.


With Aethir’s decentralized cloud infrastructure, everyone wins. Whether you're an investor, game developer, AI studio, node operator, or a player, our network ensures that the revenue flows back to you.

Low Latency,
High Compute
Low Latency,
Premium Compute

Our decentralized network makes high-end GPU computational power available at costs that the centralized ecosystem can't match. This scalability means we're not just for the privileged few, but for users from all walks of life, everywhere in the world.

No More
No More

With Aethir, any game or AI content can be uploaded and accessed instantly on any device. Our community, token holders, and DAO manage the platform autonomously, ensuring complete openness.

We're backing projects that are using the blockchain to solve real-world issues. Aethir is meaningfully expanding the addressable market for gaming and other streaming content in the world's highest-growth (but hardware-constrained) markets. Everybody wins as Aethir expands - gamers, publishers and globally distributed rendering node operators alike.

Unveiling Aethir’s Core Business and Annual Revenue
July 16, 2024
Read the blog

Meet the minds
behind Aethir

Meet the team

Your Community Awaits

Know More
  • Published inaugural whitepaper.
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  • Achieved first AAA blockchain game integration.
  • Launched 21 globally distributed nodes.
  • Added Arthur Hayes to advisory board.
  • Secured seed funding.
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  • Secured pre-A funding.
  • Launched Testnet.
  • PC and mobile demo platform launch.
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  • Token Generation Event
  • Launch Aethir's Public Gaming Platform.
  • Onboard 1 Million Gamers on Aethir’s infrastructure.
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